DIY & the Death of Design
I’ve been in the website industry for much longer than I’d care to reveal – I came up in the days of altering basic HTML to create the perfect MySpace page, where chain emails were king and downloading custom cursors for your desktop was the best way to get a virus.
When we started building websites in 2007, there were no DIY platforms; every website & email campaign was hardcoded by an expert, through a labor-intensive process. It required a talented graphic designer, a clever copywriter, and a crack developer, at minimum. And while this may feel excessive in today’s world of Wix, ChatGPT, & Canva, I’ll let you in on a little secret – these skills are still required to build effective, hard-working assets for your organisation.
DIY platforms are a fantastic resource for start-ups, giving entrepreneurs the power, control, & freedom to get websites live, begin amassing valuable email lists, and creating graphics they can share across social media. They have completely changed the landscape of business as we know it. But here comes my soapbox:
*whomp whomp*. I KNOW, but it’s the truth & I won’t sugar coat it. Nothing is more frustrating than watching a brand I love push out an email campaign that doesn’t express, through the language of good design, their value. A fine dining restaurant, charging premium prices, introducing incredible artistry to our community, with a boxy unbranded email from MailChimp – it makes me want to GAG.
I know what you’re going to say, “But Chloe, we don’t have the resources to engage a digital marketing agency!” Here’s the deal – investing in quality design, a top-notch tech setup, & a smart digital strategy has a strong LONG-TERM return on investment. Solid design, with distinct and recognisable branding, with an established brand tone is how the big guys got where they are. Every touchpoint should delight your ideal customer; every touchpoint should grow your brand’s reputation & general awareness.
You have a premium product, you want to charge premium prices, you’ve got to market with premium design. Communicate value with the right colours, the right fonts, the right imagery, in the right places. The same formula applies if you’ve got a crap product & you want to charge a few coins – you’ve got to appeal to that ideal customer with the appropriate design; otherwise, your crap looks just like everyone else’s crap.
DIY has reached it’s saturation point – the world is crying out for the unique, the considered, the fascinating. Take your rightful place.